Welcome to the Far Fetched Flicks Blog!

Welcome to the Far Fetched Flicks Blog!

Here you can find all the latest news, updates and the making of our flicks.

Remember to add comments as we need all the feedback (and moral support!) we can get! Scroll down to see the making of our first flick 'The Rabbit'!

The 2 wise men

Matthew D'Urban-Jackson

Patt Foad

We know what your thinking, 'what could possibly go wrong?' Nothing! That's what! Our creative enthusiasm flowing freely Matt and I are ready to take on the monumental first hurdle of our will be production company; our first film! 

Ideas were being bounced around over copious Fresh Pots!!! and procrastination BUT after building up on a small concept I had come up with we set about putting the cogs in motion.

Just as a side note we made this blog after the film was in the can, so its not an accurate representation of time. But it will be :)